
Random thoughts for random reasons!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bad Writing, Bad Plot, Bad All Around. Who's is it?? Plus- Music!

First, music. I was watching the ever popular show Glee and the male A capella group was performing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. And Darren Criss blew me away!!

All I can say is, he makes a wonderful addition to the cast. You should totally go check out his videos on YouTube. He even played Harry in a Very Potter Musical!

Harry Potter, Glee, Disney, and singing. Wow. :)

I've also had the song Love Like Woe by The Ready Set stuck in my head. But, hey, who hasn't? ;)

Okay, I know you're in suspense- I'll end it right now, don't worry.

The bad writer is me.

Now don't go around spreading rumors that I have low self-esteem or anything. I don't mean my writing now, because that's fantabulous. ;)

No, I'm talking about my writing from 5th grade. I recently found a book I made full of short stories. I made this book a few years ago and didn't alter any of the stories I had written for fifth grade English class. Reading them now kind of shamed me. And made me burst out laughing. Both, really.

Let me give you an example.
When a boy in one of my stories was admitted to the hospital, the doctor said, "I'll call room service and have them ready a room."
What is this, a five-star hotel? Or, even, I guess, a one-star hotel? A hotel of any type? No, it's supposed to be a hospital. *facepalm*

And then when the boy went blind from food poisoning for no explained reason, the doctor said, "No doubt about it, he's blind. I'm really sorry. We did all we could," after the boy had spent one night of monitoring at the hospital. There were no diagnoses, treatments, or anything.

To make it worse, when the dad said, "What do we do now?" the doctor replied, "Well, I can give you a list of places where you can get a guide dog."

I'm telling you, the inner me is screaming it's head off right now. And dying of embarrassment.

And that wasn't even a school assignment!!

Did I mention he got food poisoning from eating a plum? And he was ten years old? What ten year old boy goes and gets a plum after school? Wouldn't they eat chips or, if it has to be healthy, an apple or banana?

Oh, and did I mention that the story was about his sister, who can read minds? I honestly don't know where I was going with this whole thing, food poisoning and mind reading-ness.

I've also realized my old stories had no transitions. They were like, they were at the lake. A minute later they were at home. No mode of transportation. No thoughts running through their heads. Just POOF! and there they are. It would work if my stories were fantasy or something, but even in Harry Potter it describes the wizards' feelings while apparating and what not. I've been showed up.

Some actually weren't that painful to reread. Like "Missing Dusty" where a girl's horse runs away in the middle of the night. It was pretty terrible, but not too painful. :)

The best was "In the Woods" where a brother and sister get lost in a national park (completely fictional!) and it doesn't even say which park! And it's pretty far-fetched, but whatever. :)

Two years ago I wrote what I think is my best short story. It's called "Fingers Crossed." I'll try and post it later. :)

I keep on getting better though! (Or so I think...Couldn't get much worse, right? :)

See ya next time!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Writing Waiting, Holidays Coming, Required Reading

So many things have been going on lately. We just finished up our unit on Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet in English class and are hurrying along to Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, which we're scheduled to read in about two or so weeks. So far I've read two chapters (in class) and we have to have the first book (only about 6 chapters) read by Tuesday, November 16th. It's hard to understand, a little, but I guess I'll get used to it- it was the same with R & J after all.

Meanwhile, this month is National Novel Writing Month. Now normally I would be bustling and bumbling, trying to achieve the 50,000 word goal by December 1st, but this year I hardly even noticed November was coming! The past few months have gone by soooo faaaast. Where'd it all go? Homework, essays, lots of projects, and actual class-time, toss in a little sleeping, hanging out with friends and family, and reading and scraps of writing and you have all the ingredients for the quickest beginning of highschool career ever. And I'll never get to (or maybe have to?) relive it. Will I remember it??

K, my friend who was working on a novel with me, is currently busy with school and a local theater production, so I think we've unintentionally put that project on the backburner for now, but I'm certain it will get done at some point- we have all the plans, it's just the time to put them together that we need!

But lately I've been working on plotting a new idea for a story (who knows if it will end up as a novelette, novella, or novel, if anything! (and yes, I had to look up all those terms, so don't be ashamed if you do too :) ). I've been hitting some confusing parts trying to get it all together, as I want it to be a mystery-esque book. I've planned one mystery before, not that I ever wrote it, but I think it's a pretty awesome plan. Now to sit down and have it magically appear on the computer, formed as the tips of my fingers dance across the keyboard.

Oh wait. Writing does require thinking on my part.

I WILL get to it though. You wait. And when either of them does, I'll give a free autographed copy to all of my current followers. :)

Holidays- Thanksgiving is coming up very quickly and a bunch of my relatives are coming. Then Christmas is right around the corner! (Not that I'm complaining, I love both these holidays!!!)

As for my riding lessons (you know you were going to ask) I haven't had one in a few weeks. :( First it was because my instructor had her baby (CONGRATS!!!!) and then we were out of town and then we just haven't scheduled one. :'( And I need to. Because I miss them.

And now I think I should go write! Onward! :D