
Random thoughts for random reasons!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Oops. I haven't posted in a while, have I? Answer: no. My bad, my bad. It's been a busy summer since I last blogged (isn't that a great verb? Yes, I think so :) I've been doing homework (kind of. That's not saying I'm done. But only one thing left if you don't count memorizing a bunch of countries and geographical stuff) and writing a story with one of my best buds and taking... wait for it... horseback riding lessons!!!
I've mentioned it before, earlier this summer, I know. But it's getting much better. Because. On. Saturday. Past. For. The. First. Time. I. CANTERED!!!!!!!!!!!
Go ahead, clap for me. I know you want to. And it's okay, I would clap for me too.
If I wasn't me. But, alas, lucky me, I am! :D
So lessons are getting better and better and I'm loving it. I've cantered in two lessons now and next we're going to try to get 3 quarters around the ring instead of just cantering one stretch at a time.
But lemme tell you if you don't know.
Cantering feels (wait, let me get a quote from my buddy....) AH-MAZING!!!!!
It's so smooth (at least on the horses I've ridden so far, which is two at a canter) and fast and, well.... it makes you want to smile and yell "WEEEE!!!!!" because it's just so wonderful!!!
*Sigh* I love it. And I am definitely planning on taking lessons during the school year. Sadly I have to go down to one a week until I get used to the schedule of school and schoolwork and all that wonderful stuff. Yaaay for school right? Right, kay.
Other than riding, like I said, I've been working on a story with my friend. We have about 13 chapters all planned out, more or less, and somewhat detailed 'cause we are just that good. I've been having issues writing in a way that makes sense and sounds good to me after I reread it a couple times. It might be normal writer things, I guess, but I don't really like it. Not that I guess any writers really do. Let's take a survey. Raise your hand if you like not liking your own writing.
Yeah, I thought not.
But I do love to write a lot, so I'll keep working on it. Aren't you proud of me? Sure you are. :)
And last is homework, but seriously, you don't want to hear about that, I know. You don't even have to pretend for the sake of my survival, it's okay.
Thanks anyway.
I'll try to keep posting now, really!!
For all you faithful readers!
Which is... who??
Ah well. :)


  1. I'm clapping. :) *applause*

    Keep writing that story!!!

  2. Haha, thank you. :)
    We've been working on it! Slowly, but we're getting there.
    Sorry I'm so late. School. :P
